
Channeling for Glastonbury  Wednesday 19 June 2024 

On the Occasion of the 2024 Summer Solstice, Glastonbury Inner Light invite Laurent Chausson for a special Channeling night with Archangel Michael.
Open doors at 6.30 pm, start at 7 pm
At The Goddess Hall, Benedict Street, Glastonbury BA6 9NB
Doors open from 6.30pm for a start at 7pm. Entry £8/£7
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Sacred Activation Thursday 20/06/24 

Free yourself from the fear of your own power
This Sacred Activation frees you from the fear of entering into the power and radiance of your light. Your power is already present in you, just hidden it is waiting for you to agree to make it visible to all.
The Healer's power 
This activation frees you from the old limitations established in previous vows contracts and commitments. Maybe you believe that you cannot surpass the master you have had, or are you limiting yourself to the only practice you received? This activation lifts all these old patterns and allows you to access your own power as a healer by channeling the Source of all that is.
Doors open at 4.30 pm, start at 5 pm
At The Goddess House, Nolava room, 28 Magdalene Street, Glastonbury BA6 9EJ Price: £30
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Channeling Workshop Friday 21/06/24 

Plunge into the direct experience of receiving a message from your guides. Discover your own channel.
Doors open at 4.30 pm, start at 5 pm
At The Goddess House, Nolava room, 28 Magdalene Street, Glastonbury BA6 9EJ
Price: £45
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Bundle for 2 days Sacred Activation+Channeling Workshop
Price £60
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« Channeling unconditional love from the spiritual realms »

Laurent CHAUSSON french multidimensional channeler and catalyst workshops 

When in 2000 the ability of verbal channeling the spiritual realms spontaneously awakened from his consciousness, Laurent CHAUSSON quickly grounded his practice of channeling by proposing an agreement to the non physical entities who were happy to conclude this agreement, then initiating a conscious cooperation with the angels, the archangels, the ascended masters and the stellar families.

This agreement, unchanged until now, states that each spiritual guide should be inseparable of the law of oneness and that the channeled transmissions should have the sole purpose of awakening wisdom, love and consciousness in the listeners. The result of this long and loving relationship is a palpable intimacy from the channeler and his spiritual guides, often easily felt as pure love by people attending the transmissions.

As a multidimensional channeler, very well grounded and centered, Laurent CHAUSSON navigates with ease through various fields of consciousness and shares with joy the exploration of the variety of the field of oneness. His great stability is grounded in a healthy and structured ego-self, enlightened by the paths of tibetan buddhism, Dzogchen, non dual approach and the continuous blessings of the channeled transmissions.

The essence of his practice is the awakening of a space of peace and openness of the heart, allowing people to reconnect with the light of their own essence.